My overall impression of this new telephoto lens is very good, and it’s difficult to find anything to dislike. The optical quality is excellent, the AF-system is fast and reliable and the VR-system has been upgraded to a new level. So is there anything to improve with this amazing telephoto lens at all? In my opinion, the answer is yes. Not big changes, but still I want to address them:
1. The lens hood locking system is in my opinion the weakest point on the lens and should be redesigned.
2. Implementing an AF-Range feature is my strongest suggested improvement for this lens – or more precisely, the communication between the lens and the camera. AF-Range is a feature where the photographer can choose the closest and farthest distance the AF can work within.
3. The VR sound is for some reason more noisy on the new Nikon 600mm than on my old Nikon 600mm. Even though this is a minor issue, pro telephoto lenses must be as quiet as possible.
4. The AF-sound when it hits the edges (farthest and closest focusing distance) is also noisier than I’m used to on my old Nikon 600mm lens. This is a similar issue as the previous point, and most photographers would most likely not notice it. Maybe this is only a minor issue found only on the beta version. I hope to find out soon.
Hammerkop in Zimanga
Nikon D4S, 600/4.0, 1/500 sec at f/7.1 and ISO 2000