Before I became a full-time photographer (in 2003) I earned my Master's degree from the University in Ås (Norway) in Natural Resource Management, Resource Economics, and Environmental Politics. These studies also included Wildlife Management, Ornithology, Mammalogy, and Photography at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). I have always been interested in environmental conservation and resource management, and it's now an important part of my photography.
My main passion as a photographer is to photograph wildlife in their environment, hopefully with some nice light conditions and a touch of artistic freedom. I always try to photograph what I like and follow my passion - not what the mainstream photo agencies are requesting, or what other photographers are doing. At the end of the day, I believe that is important for the motivation and dedication as a photographer.
Many of my most recognized images are from polar regions - like Svalbard and Antarctica. Polar bears and penguins are the main subjects in these remote areas, and it's a pleasure to observe and photograph these animals. While I'm in cold conditions I sometimes perform field testing of new photo equipment which I will publish on this website.
Expedition Leader
In 2006 I was leading the first photo expedition to Svalbard, organized by Naturfokus (from 2012 WildPhoto Travel). Since that time photo expeditions to Polar regions has been an important part of my photography and work. WildPhoto Travel is today a world-leading photo expedition company with ship expeditions to Polar regions - like Svalbard, Greenland, South Georgia and Antarctica. Many of my images used in books and conservation projects orginates from these WildPhoto expeditions.